The IODE MANAGEMENT GROUP ACTIONS were agreed during the IODE Management Group meeting in February 2024.

Agenda item Action Timing By whom status
3.1 (data policy) The Management Group decided to identify existing documentation relevant to section 9, in close collaboration with the Decade Data Strategy Implementation Group (DSIG) and DCO for Data Sharing. IODE-28 IODE MG, DSIG, DCO DS 22/4/2024: Email sent to IODE MG
4.3 The Management Group recommended to undertake a promotional campaign for ODIS within the NODC network, and to ensure that the ODIS work plan includes a pro-active outreach programme. The Management Group also invited ODIS partners to actively promote ODIS.

The Management Group urged the RSB Secretariats to study the report ( and to discuss with the IODE Secretariat what assistance would be needed to enable Member States in their region to share data online and join ODIS.

ODIS team


ONGOING: with the new ODIS website, ODIS brochure, new ODIS logo and video – all to be done by June 2024.We will have a clear communication to all our stakeholders and partners and general outreach to communicate the transition from OIH to ODIS, and will use the materials mentioned above.

No action

5.1 The Management Group decided to continue its work to “propose procedures to guide applications for new Components, Activities and Projects, and submit these to the 28th Session of the IODE Committee in 2025.” through ad hoc meetings and complete its work by December 2024. Dec 2024 G.Reed Started 22/4/2024
5.2 The Management Group agreed that all Programme Components and Programme Activities will prepare documentation for IODE-28 detailing how the new Rules of Procedure have been adopted in their management structure. IODE-28 G.Reed Started 22/4/2024
7.1.2 The Management Group recommended to Member States and their data centres to inform ODIS and GODAR of materials that need to be digitized or are in the process of being digitized by GODAR. MS (need to send out CL or email): May 2024
7.1.12 (OIH) The Management Group recommended the development of proposals that focus on SOP, CZM, MSP that are based on OIH/ODIS. With these we could approach various donors and possibly philanthropic organizations. Taking into account the concept note in preparation by IOCAFRICA the Management Group recommended to bring together the various IOC programmes in IOC (Ocean Science, GOOS, IODE, MPR, TSR,…) to co-design one or more proposals. These should respond not only to regional priorities and frameworks but also to global such as BBNJ, SDG etc.
7.5 (user feedback) The Management Group decided to reinforce communication activities including

  • the preparation of a diagram that explains what each IODE Programme Element (IODE Programme Component, IODE Programme Activity, IODE Project) does and how these are related;
  • organizing webinars (especially in the regions) to promote IODE and its activities;
  • development of a communication plan. In addition, IODE activities need to improve collaboration.

The Management Group instructed the Secretariat to start the above activities (i) and (ii) and start discussions with the MG on (iii).

No action

No action

No action (HAIS) The Management Group instructed the SG-OBIS to designate a representative from IODE/OBIS in the TT-HAIS who can then take part in defining detailed technical and financial requirements with input from OBIS experts. SG-OBIS No action (GO2DAT) The Management Group instructed the OIH technical team, before the end of the OIH project, to assist with the addition of the GO2DAT system in the ODIS Federation with the objective of increasing interoperability, detecting and remedying duplication, and harmonization with other IODE assets, in particular the World Ocean Database. OIH team No action


The Management Group instructed the OIH team to develop the specifications for exchanging SDG relevant metadata across the ODIS Federation and offer technical support to integrate SDG data streams into ODIS.

The Management Group instructed the Secretariat to continue supporting the communications with the NODCs and ADUs for the annual calls for data collection towards the SDG 14.3.1 Indicator.

Regarding the “integration of the SDG 14.3.1 Data Portal with other relevant ocean carbon databases through a federated system” the Management Group invited the SDG 14.3.1 team to discuss the requirements in more detail with OIH/ODIS.

OIH team


SDG team OIH team

No action

No action

No action

8.1.2 (GOOS) The Management Group requested GOOS to organize a joint GOOS-IODE meeting on data, possibly during the Thirteenth Session of GOOS Steering Committee, 14 – 17 April 2024, Spain, and to share the data implementation plan well in advance. GOOS sec No action
8.1.3 (TSR) The Management Group welcomed the ongoing cooperation with TSR and called for continued and expanded cooperation on sea level data sharing (through ODIS) and training through OTGA. TSR No action
8.2.1 (WMO) The Management Group welcomed the discussions between ODIS and WIS 2.0 and invited WMO to continue the discussions towards linking between ODIS and WIS 2.0.

The Management Group requested that IODE should be more involved in the discussions in JCB.

22/4/2024: WIS connected to ODIS

22/3/2024: JCB planned to take place in 9/2024 in India

8.2.2 (WDS) The Management Group instructed the IODE Co-Chairs and Mr Garcia to contact the WDS Secretariat to obtain more details on the coverage of ocean data in the WDS, and to discuss collaboration between the WDS and IODE. This discussion should also include the need for multiple long-term, synchronized and redundant (providing backups to each other) global ocean data archives. Co-Chairs and H. Garcia No action (decade actions) The Management Group requested the DCO for Data Sharing to share the list of ocean data relevant Ocean Decade Actions with the IODE Management Group and to collaborate on the planned survey of Ocean Decade Actions, as this will assist IODE programme elements to identify collaboration opportunities. DCO DS No action
9.1.5 (SOP) The Management Group instructed the Secretariat to put the document, once received from the DCU, in a Google doc for comments by the Management Group members by end of March 2024. DCU invited IOC heads of section to comment on document. Document cannot be shared
9.2 (ODINs) The Management Group agreed to revive ODINs as regional communities of practice in ocean data and information management, led by the regional subsidiary bodies and implemented jointly with the global IODE programme and its programme elements.

The Management Group encouraged the RSBs to establish regional ODIN working groups that will govern the ODINs composed of regional as well as international (IODE) experts. Regional specificity needs to be taken into account and RSBs need to identify their regional priorities regarding D&IM. IODE will provide experts advice when invited.

No action. Need to contact RSB secretariats

No action. Need to contact RSB secretariats

10.1 (CD) The Management Group encouraged its data centres to assist Member States that wish to establish a data centre but lack expertise by documenting (documents and videos) data centre practices. No action
10.2 (CD strategy) The Management Group decided to share IODE experience in CD through OTGA and ODINs with the IOC CD coordination unit, including the GE-CD and to make the GE-CD aware of training opportunities and capacity matchmaking in ODIS and OBIS. No action
11.2 (review PO) The Management Group decided to undertake the review of the IOC Project Office for IODE in 2024 for submission to IODE-28 and the 2025 Session of the IOC Assembly. The Management Group instructed the Secretariat to identify reviewers as soon as possible, using the same methodology as for the previous review. 22/4/2024: Reviewers identified (T. De Bruin/ L. Rickards). Review started. Report expected 12/2024
11.2 (FUST) The Management Group agreed to consider projects that combine the main IODE Programme Components (as well as their programme activities and projects as relevant) as demonstrators of the amplifying power of these initiatives together, especially in a regional context, with high relevance to coastal planning. Additional partnerships should be envisaged as well.

The Management Group instructed the IODE Programme Components to assist the RSBs with the drafting of proposals for submission to FUST.

The Management Group requested the IODE Programme Components and Activities to prepare concept notes by mid-March 2024

12/2024: proposals being prepared

12/2024: meetings held with RSBs to discuss possible proposals

12/2024: ongoing

11.3.1 (NORAD) The Management Group instructed IODE and its Programme Components and Programme Activities, to prepare a joint position paper to the European Commission, proposing an administratively streamlined and direct funding mechanism to IOC and its IODE. Acknowledging the EC’s desire to align their projects (e.g. within the Horizon programme) to the UN Ocean Decade and other international frameworks, the paper will propose an approach for IOC/IODE to participate in projects, or advise on calls, proposals or other activities that involve international data, information and knowledge sharing. No action
11.4 (work plan) To reflect all support to IODE, the Management Group instructed all Programme Components, Activities and Projects to provide a comprehensive report on all extra-budgetary contributions (including staff time and other in-kind contributions) for submission to IODE-28. The Management Group will formulate guidelines for this reporting (this may also include “formal” vs “informal” support). IODE-28 PC, PA, projects No action
12.1 (IODE-28) The Management Group expressed its great appreciation to the Government of Colombia and INVEMAR for hosting the IODE-28 meeting and International Ocean Data Conference III. HCA being negotiated with Colombia
12.3 (IODC-3) The Management Group requested Mr De Bruin to proceed with the programme planning for the IODC-III Conference. No action